WWF WrestleMania 2000 V1.1 Patch by S.K. Stylez (@AKIClub64) To apply the patch, use Delta Patcher. Select the original unmodified NTSC USA version of WWF WrestleMania 2000 as the "Original File" and the XDelta patch as the "XDelta Patch". Press "Apply patch" and save your patched version of the game. Note: This patch will not work on the PAL (E) or Japanese (J) versions of the game. Creation of reproduction cartridges of this patched version of WWF WrestleMania 2000 is forbidden. Please do not support the sellers of reproduction cartridges. If any are reproduction cartridges are made, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will k*ll you. Patch V1.1 General - Addressed issue where Wrestlers with the "Novice" Submission Skill changing to "Expert" - Addressed texture issue with Attire - Upper Body 14 (The Blue Meanie) - Addressed model issue with Attire - Upper Body 24 (Kane) - Wrestlers now wear belts on shoulder instead of around the waist - Addressed issue where Wrestlers do not wear Belts during entrances - Addressed issue where Wrestler 2 in a Tag Team that are champions will wear the belt on all attire - Addressed issue where Tag Teams would enter to the Music of Wrestler 1 in the team - Recoloured the texture for Special moves - Added a texture for Super Special moves - Tag Teams no longer need specific Music and Video combinations to enter as a Tag Team - Referee option available in all match types - Replay option disabled for all match types except Singles and Cage Match types Audio - Addressed sound issues on the below menus - Computer Intelligence - Create a Belt - Text Input - Create a Belt - Belt Selection - Edit Mode - Default - Edit Mode - Fighting Style - Offensive Strength, Defensive Strength, Ally / Enemy Edit Mode - Added Computer Intelligence - Added the following Move Categories to the Moves menu - Countering Counters (Striking - Counter Attack) - Front Super Special Move (Grappling - Front Grapple) - Move Exchange (Grappling - Front Grapple) - Back Super Special Move (Grappling - Back Grapple) - Test Of Strength (Grappling) - Pin Save (Ground Grappling - Ground Attack) - Running Pin Save (Ground Grappling - Ground Attack) - Double Team Flying Attack (High Flying - From Turnbuckle 1) - Double Team Flying Attack To Outside (High Flying - From Turnbuckle 1) - Double Team Flying Attack From Apron To Ring Standing Opponent (High Flying - Flying Body Attack) - Added the following options to the Fighting Style menu - Irish Whip - Irish Whip Evasion - Added 2 new options to Fighting Style - Stance - Classic - Giant - Added 2 new options to Fighting Style - Counter/Reversals - Heavy Special - Light-Heavy Special - Addressed issue on the Offensive Strength, Defensive Strength and Ally / Enemy screens within the Fighting Style menu where pressing Start on an option will cause the option to remain highlighted - Addressed issue where attires were not defaulting correctly Create a Belt - Added Light-Heavyweight Belt - Addressed issue with C-Up and C-Bottom buttons not scrolling through Belt Designs Road to WrestleMania - Addressed issue where Wrestlers with Entrance Attires will appear with it on when going back to the Player selection from the Partner selection - Addressed an issue where the Singles Wrestler in the last position in Group 4 was not relegated into Group 5 - Updated the following Tag Teams - Triple H & Billy Gunn to Triple H & X-Pac - Road Dogg & X-Pac to Road Dogg & Billy Gunn - Gangrel & Edge to Edge & Christian King Of The Ring - Addressed issue where arena options would disappear from the Arena Selection screen after going into the 8th Belt option then going back to the previous menu Pay Per View - Addressed issue where the event arena would change if you played a match in a different mode and went back into Pay Per View mode - Renamed "Hall" to "Arena" - Renamed "Place" to "Location" - Renamed the following Arenas - "Survivor series" to "Survivor Series" - "Summer Slam" to "SummerSlam" Royal Rumble - Addressed issue where a Wrestlers entering with alternate attires would enter with the name of Attire 1 Wrestlers - Added "HO" to Superstars 7 - Renamed the following Wrestlers - FAROOQ - Long Name - "FAROOQ" to "FAAROOQ" - "MR. ASS" BILLY GUNN - Long Name - "MR. ASS" to "BILLY GUNN" - "MR. ASS" BILLY GUNN - Short Name - "BILLY GUNN" to "MR. ASS" - PRINCE ALBERT - Short Name - "PRINCE" to "ALBERT" - MICHAEL HAYES - Short Name - "MICHAEL" to "HAYES" Hacking/Modding - Added the following Tag Team names for use with Tag Team data starting at RAM address 0x80102434 (Offset 0x0F, last value). Name - Value - MINISTRY OF DARKNESS - C - J.O.B. SQUAD - D - THE NATION - E - NEW BROOD - F - Renamed the following Tag Team names. Old Name - New Name - Value - TOO COOL - TOO MUCH - 4 - McMAHON FAMILY - THE CORPORATION - 8 - Added Arena specific Rope colours. RAM data as follows. - 8003A1F0 - RAW is WAR - 8003A1F1 - HeAT - 8003A1F2 - Royal Rumble - 8003A1F3 - King of the Ring - 8003A1F4 - Survivor Series - 8003A1F5 - WrestleMania - 8003A1F6 - SummerSlam Colour Values as follows - 00 - Red (Default for all Arenas) - 01 - Blue - 02 - Black - 03 - White - 04 - Yellow